English Through the Media






English Through the Media is based on short excerpts from a variety of television programs.  Students move gradually from a general understanding of a piece to a detailed transcript.  Each week students will also listen to, summarize and present a program that they have watched outside of class. There is no text for this class. The instructor will provide photocopies and transcripts.





Course Outcomes




Course Content





  • Develop ability to understand a variety of program types
  • Detect and understand TV humor
  • Improve listening comprehension
  • Develop ability to guess unknown words
  • Become comfortable speaking in a relaxed atmosphere


·        Short video excerpts from television shows

·        Various exercises to improve vocabulary and listening ability

·        Summary writing in student listening logs

·        Presentation of outside listening programs




Who should take this course?





This is an intermediate listening and discussion class for permanent residents, refugees, U.S. citizens, and professionals working or training in the United States, international students or international visitors for whom English is not their native language. Students need an advanced-beginner to intermediate listening comprehension level to participate effectively.  Students must also have access to a television for homework assignments.